Hannah Webber's Curatorial Choice
The launch was great, wasn't it? I really enjoyed being involved in the selection and hanging process but meeting all of the talented artists was the best bit. It was hard to narrow it down, I would have liked to include at least another 5 or 6. Anyway, here are my choices (in no particular order):
11.30 by Holly Herbert
Dream-like, psychedelic, and starry, it invites you to explore a more spiritual place.
Flying Monkey by Steve Sawbridge
Cutlery madness, a cousin to Athena's Bubo.
I love it!
Buds in Rain by Ruby Waage Townsend
Ethereal, magical people in a field of floating flowers. Gorgeous colour choices.
Despair by Haunted Fork
Creepy, weird, and full of relatable emotion. How unnerving to have a shared a connection with them, fantastic!
Motion Wave III by Leavon Bowman
Being mesmerised and hypnotised whilst pondering the depths of water....a reminder to ask ourselves the big questions.
Altruistic by Anton Amoo
The ultimate kindness, has us questioning how far we will go, is it a simple or complex decision?
The figure knows it should, but will it...? A great piece to ponder over.