Adam Khalifa

Adam Khalifa's Curatorial Choice

The artistic energy, through the gut and the mind in 2020. My curatorial choices for L.O.V.E. Art are: (click on the artwork to go to the artist's website/social media)

La Petite Mort by Andrew Birks

The dream-like work makes me a little uneasy. Is the face supposed to be this way up? Would the narrative change, as we rotate it 90 degrees.

Deer King by Vince Preston

The probability to capture the same picture twice fascinates me most. The eyes, the feel, the authority. The photographic skill, adds to the marvel. 

Hercy B Print Ad by Courtney Askey

Comes with an audio player of the interview...

I am familiar with this piece, so hold a biased view. A conceptually strong piece of work. The potential is exponential.

Untitled 040719 by Mark Boot

I like the relationship between the colours and the interaction with the box structure. It is strong and delicate at the same time.


Become It by Zoryanna Rubel 

Multi-Layered but strong interaction between the different mediums. 

Untitled by Tim Fowler

Masterful brushstrokes and assertiveness in this piece of work

Spatialgraph #1 by Ryan Boultbee

The relationship and space between the 2 dots and the lines. Is this an experiment or by design?

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